
Time Flies When You're Making Lists

Is it me, or did the month of November FLY by at a crazy-fast rate??

Today is the last day in November.

This month has brought our family a baby-on-all-fours, a job offer that we are *thinking* about, nasty colds for all of us, the official start of winter (cold.cold.cold.), the General Conference edition of the Ensign (yay!), 3 birthdays in my immediate family, and of course THANKSGIVING and the holiday spirit.

I have enjoyed seeing others put up their holiday decor and listening to Christmas songs in public venues. I haven't done a THING as far as festive decor or music in our home...but that, my friends is about to change.

Tomorrow is the first of December. BRING ON THE RED & GREEN! I will make a list of holiday to-do's and start marking them off, one by one. (I am a list girl. Sometimes I make a list of things I've aready done just so I can have some things to mark off. )

Things to Do:

-send Thank You's to those who provided delicious food & gathering places for our Thanksgiving fun
-decide whether or not to send out Christmas cards
-make list of things to do for Christmas cards (if I decide to do them)
-get down boxes of holiday decor
-make hot chocolate, put on Christmas music, & decorate our apartment
-take pictures of Baby J by the tree, Santa
-make sure decorations are OUT OF baby's growing reach
-make cookies to share
-review & revise holiday schedule
-new family traditions

AND, I am glad the 1st of December is on a Monday. For some reason, the month seems much more organized to BEGIN on a MONDAY. Monday is a great day for beginnings, dontchya think? Plus, it *might* snow here tomorrow (so predicts

What's on your holiday list?

Let December begin!

1 comment:

It's Me - Jen E! said...

Reading your list made me realize how much I still have to do. I have decorated - though not as much since William is walking (must keep things out of his reach). I have started shopping and I am almost done (including 2 December birthdays for my kids). seriously debating this one. And cookies - of course the cookies....must figure out which ones to make this year. Oh - my list just got longer.....