

My theme for the New Year is
Redefine in 2009

And I'm proud to say, 11 days in, I've done some preliminary work on 2 of my goals for the new year...

Give something of myself to someone I don't know.

One way to reach goal: Donate to Locks of Love

What I've done so far: I researched the organization, reviewed the rules, and talked with my hair stylist about how to proceed (I have about 5 inches to go, so depending on how fast my hair grows...)

Get in better shape, make some lifestyle changes.

One way to reach goal: Run a 5K

What I've done so far: I found a 5K that will be on April 5th in my mother's hometown & recruited some running partners. I began my *training* today!

What are some of your resolutions for the New Year?


Anonymous said...

way to go!

It's Me - Jen E! said...

Arianna is growing her hair out to donate to Locks of Love. I'm so proud of her for making that sacrifice. Good for you, too!

My 2009 resolution is to lose the baby weight. Yes, I know the baby is now 1 and I did a horrible job last year of trying to shed it. So 2009 - is the time. Now if I can just find the time...