
Thankful Thursday: Feb 19th

This week's edition of Thankful Thursday is brought to you by:

Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate Chips.
My sister-in-law, Jen, posted on her blog about the fabulousness of Ghirardelli & their grandeur in comparison to other *brands* of chocolate chips. Her post is a fun read plus the cookie recipe to boot!
I just wanted to add a shout out to my pals at Ghirardelli today because they contributed to my general well-being & happiness this morning (I made some chocolate chip cookies for a lunch with some friends, they are divine).
AND...onto Thankful Thursday.
Today I am thankful for addition to the above-mentioned deliciousness...girlfriends*.
I'm talking about the girlfriends that add sparkle to my week.
The girls who make a point to shower me with compliments when I most need them, the girls who are always there to answer my first-time-Mom-questions, the girls who love me despite my so-far-from-perfect-girlfriend-self, the girls who are in love with my brothers, the girls who teach me by example how to be a better me, the girls who ask me how I'm doing and really mean it, the girls from work who tell me "we miss you here", the girls in my extended family who I look to for guidance and support, the girls who make me feel like I can do it all...just because they believe that I can.
Since I grew up without sisters I have have an interesting relationship with girls.
I am fiercely loyal to my dearest girlfriends...
...and have typically paid little to no attention to the rest--considering myself "not a girls-girl".
My very first experience sharing a room with a girl was as an 18 year old freshman in college, it was not easy. From then until my marriage to Mr. H six years later, I lived with a total of 35 girls (several of the apartments housed 6 girls & 9 of them were mission companions). I still highlighted, circled, and announced my lack of frilly things and shopping sprees...but: I learned the value of true friendships, the fun of girls nights, and the comfort of having a sisterly connection.
As a new mother, I am appreciating my girlfriends even more, as my perspectives shift yet again.
*Yes, I realize that I recently posted a Thankful Thursday about 'thoughtful friends'. So, I guess I'm feeling sentimental about friends. Maybe it's because I feel like I need/value them more as a stay-at-home-Mom or because I'm moving in a few months & have to start all over again...? Either way. Yay for thoughtful friends, girlfriends, all friends!


Emily said...

You were one of the THREE really life-changing roomates that I ever had! :)

Amy and the boys said...

Hooray for Ghirardelli! They are the only brand I use for my chocolate chip cookies. And, if I really need chocolate and Ive run out and don't want to run to the store, I break out the milk chocolate chips. Sometimes, I dip them in PB and do you know they have a PB that is now mixed with honey? Ok, I'm sidetracking here. :)