
V Day-Enjoy & Honor

Today is Veteran's Day.

I appreciate our country's designated holidays to honor, praise, and show gratitude for men and women who sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy. 

I wonder if we are actively enjoying and honoring our freedoms (and the people throughout history who made them possible) as much as we simply take them for granted.

Take, for instance, the groups of people that refused to vote in this last election. Perhaps they felt disillusioned by both candidates and felt like they could not support either one. I sympathize with the frustrating feeling of looking for the "perfect" candidate and feeling at a loss. 

However, I believe in the power of democracy and the right to vote should not be taken lightly. If we take our binoculars and scan around the world, we would find that many a person(s) would mightily sacrifice for the opportunity to vote for government officials.

That is not to say that there aren't flaws in Presidential candidates, congressmen, judges, etc. Of course there are--some more than others. As U.S. citizens it is our privilege to get out and vote, get involved, and make a difference. For the love of Pete (or Sam--Uncle Sam!), people! I felt like the numbers of non-voters were a slap in the face to the countless men and women who have marched in line to protect and provide for our nation's freedoms.

Yes I know the election is over, but still.
I am stepping off my soap box now.

I want to say that I am grateful to the service men and women who have spent long, exhausting days (and nights) doing what they had to do to protect, sacrifice, and serve. I am grateful to their families who spent thousands of cumulative hours praying for their loved ones' safety and security. I am grateful for the veterans of yesterday, today, and our future veterans. 

Shout out to a few of my favorite vets--My grandpa V. Rex Jackson (WWII), Mr. H's Granddad Scott Lindsey (WWII), & my father-in-law Anthony Harper (Army).

History buffs? Go here for a nice description of the history of Veteran's Day! 

Every day in November!  NaBloPoMo: National Blog Posting Month. Write a post on your blog every day in November. Since last year didn't kill me, I've decided to do it again this year. Do you want to join me? My brother will be writing daily overHERE and my sis-in-law's posts will be found HERE. 

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