
Thankful Thursday: January 28, 2016

I'm Thankful For:

-soft music in the mornings
-reminders of truth
-conversations with my Mama
-freshly fallen snow
-photos that tell a story
-date nights
-nights when the bigs get to bed earlier than usual
-extra help from kind strangers
-Mr. H's safe travel home even after/during the blizzard
-hot breakfasts
-friends who love my kids & provide childcare when needed
-sales at favorite stores
-Mr. H's home week!
-new pink lipgloss
-the opportunity to study, learn, ponder, and share through teaching
-kind friends who love and embrace who I am
-serious friend time over the last 3 weeks--friends coming her to play, friends meeting out for lunches/dinners, friends inviting me to their casas...I feel like I'm *waking up* after postpartum balancing out
-the value of advice from wise friends
-the reminders of my own strength to learn from the not-so-fun experiences
-Mr. H's shoulder to cry on
-Mr. H's shoulder to laugh on
-Mr. H's shoulder to lean on
-spontaneous, organic teaching moments
-free preschool days for Miss N at the High School
-free homeschool co-op classes for Mr N & Mr J at a Lutheran Church
-free samples at Costco!
-cheap gasoline to fill up our vehicles ($1.49 this afternoon at Costco, what!!)
-entertaining shows
-inspiring reads
-fun games as a family
-my daily/nightly walks
-sledding with the bigs
-warmer temperatures!
-new boots
-Mr. J's puzzle skills
-Mr. N's hammering techniques
-Miss N's imaginative play
-Miss A's new sounds (ba ba ba va va va ahhhhhiiihhhhaaa da da da ma ma muh)
-quality time with truly kindred spirits
-sushi nights with favorites
-the sounds of wooden blocks being built and/or knocked down
-our fireplace
-the fire of the heart--when good things are happening
-the power of prayer to comfort and soothe

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