
Thankful Thursday {September 27,2018}

It's Thursday! 
Do you believe me 
that I am serious 
about being consistent 
with this again?

After driving all afternoon and evening, yesterday, BY MYSELF (I totally miss my kids but I am doing just fine sleeping in and enduring quiet with the gentle sounds of rain outside my window, besides a few twangs of sadness missing my B snuggles) I am at my parents' home! At some point after I left home (20 years ago), this room got a re-do with antique furniture from my great-grandparents...but there are leftovers from my youth that are standing strong. The blush pink walls and the floral stencil I did MYSELF for one of my YW projects and my mirror-desk vanity (that is now painted white, thankyouverymuchMr.H) and the little handmade wooden shelf with doors on the wall (made by my great-grandfather, of which Miss N has a replica in her mountain room corner) are sweet reminders that this space 
was once my very own.

Tomorrow & Saturday I will drive to and from Franklin to attend the WILD + FREE conference, and ohmygoodness I am excited.

And, naturally...thankful!

I'm Thankful For:

-yoga pants & summer sandals (yes I will wear them as long as possible, no I am not ready for boots)
-black olives
-hammock time in our "forest"
-reading with my bigs, in the corner of the mountain room
-our end of summer/end of garden dinner party--outside, of course, with grilled sardines, pears, and green tomatoes
-grilled pears
-grilled green tomatoes
(I mean, they deserve their own lines, right?)
-our FULL CHALKBOARD WALL of unhurried summer of abundance moments, trips, adventures, and wanderings
-the fun of reading through those chalked out moments with my bigs
-starting a fresh season with a cleaned up chalkboard
-that my dislike of snakes has NOT been passed onto my children (literally, yesterday, from the backyard: "look! It's Bob T. Slither! Go tell Mom!"--I have tricked them into believing that I am thrilled that we have a garter snake in our yard, and I even encouraged them to name it. This both ensures that they do not develop an irrational fear of harmless snakes and ALSO ensures that they let me know when they see him (since he has a name!) and I can steer clear, while also giving encouragement and excitement for the sighting)
-a successful new recipe for breakfast with my bees
-that glow when the sun has set but the sky is holding onto that last bit of light
-the power of a smile
-a clean basement
-our van that is 18 years old that is dying but IS NOT DEAD YET hallelujah and amen
-thinking people who delve into depths of gospel study and then share their findings, thoughts, and insights in powerful ways for the general public (I'm talking to you, Adam S. Miller)
-my Mom's art in my house
-the scout leaders who love what they do and shine love on my boys (I mean, for reals)
-wooden easels with child art drying art around my kitchen
-my boys' excitement over Kahn academy math practice
-my friend N who came to chill with my babies so I could leave and came to pick them up to meet with their homeschool nature group (and then cuddle B in her arms when he woke up from his nap needing his Mama)
-this fall's soccer season & Mr. H's being lead parent for practices (and lots of the games as well)
-the leaves changing in my yard
-my friend B who I can talk with endlessly about heavy things
-audio books
-Miss A's giggles & squeals when she is being tickled
-Mr J's notes to me on the chalkboard
-Mr N's satisfaction with his own planned & organized space
-Miss N's quick karate-chop sounding "huh!" sounds as she jumps off of things/down the stairs
-Baby B's grip on my hair when we snuggle
-fall rainstorms
-nature walks with my bees
-trees that whisper "look, feel, rest" on Mondays with my bees
-videos of baby B from Mr. H's phone
-videos of my little boys from years ago that just popped up on google photos (how does google even have my photos?)
-that moment with Mr. H looks at me and says "I got this--go do your thing."
-this weekend time I get to have me-time, brought to you by my amazing husband, my hosting parents, and the birthday gift to myself, of tickets to this conference

May you enjoy some nature
 and me-time this weekend, my friends!


  1. Franklin??! As in Franklin, TN?! Shara!
    Love your gift of writing and your thankful heart!

  2. OHMYGOODNESS girl WHYYYY did I not get in touch with you??? Because I'm nuts. And I don't even get alerts when someone comments on this blog? WHYYYY?

    Yes. Franklin, TN. If this happens again you need to go with me. Or we should meet at the temple. Or something marvelous.
