
How did you sleep last night?

our neighborhood
circle of 20-30 somethings

in the middle of our *long winters' nap*
thump thump thumpity thump

thump thump thump

a party
a gathering
the music
the bass

once awake
there is no going back

Mr. H calls the POlice

thump thump thump


goodnight. again.


Anonymous said...

Did it wake up the baby? Ewww, I wouldn't be very happy. We used to get a lot of that too, then we moved to a nicer, family-oriented neighborhood. I guess the loud parties come w/ the territory of living in a college town. At least they'll all be going home for the holidays soon, right?

JosephJ said...

I thought you were going to say "Look at Frosty go...." but it was kind of more of a rant than a celebration. :)

Sorry to hear about the disturbed sleep. Those were the days of apartment living. Thankfully we are now in a neighborhood where WE are the last ones to go to bed... at 11 PM!