
Living the Christmas Spirit

"True happiness comes only by making others happy--the practical application of the Savior's doctrine of losing one's life to gain it. In short, the Christmas spirit is the Christ spirit, that makes our hearts glow in brotherly love and friendship and prompts us to kind deeds of service."

~David O. McKay

Last night Mr. H and I went to visit a family and share a special Christmas message with them. We followed our printed-out directions (mapquest and googlemaps are GREAT, but with 'backroads' they typically show you the longer route), followed curves and hills, finally slowing down to check the numbers on the mailbox.

"This is the one!" I said and then looked with surprise at the home before us. It was very tall, built into a hill--unfinished so it gave the impression that it was held up by toothpicks. We looked at each other and shared nervous smiles. We had never been to this home before and didn't know the family very well, so we were slightly unsure about how the evening would unfold.

We grabbed our ribbon-wrapped plate of brownies (mentally giving ourselves pats on the back for being so thoughtful) and dodged dogs as we carefully climbed the wooden stairs (lots of them). Once inside a feeling of calm rested upon our hearts. It was warmed by a furnace and the feeling of Christmas rushed into my heart.

I looked around to find out where it was coming from. There was no tree in that room we entered, no glittery star, no fancy nativity. The room itself was not what I expected; we quickly sat down so we would feel more *apart* , standing up seemed so formal and silly.

We did not sing Christmas carols, but they were dancing in my head. What was it in this home that offered such a feeling, such a connection with that Christ spirit?

After only minutes of shared stories I learned that this humble family had a long-lasting tradition of helping those with greater need than they. We heard the story of the teenager who slept in the park who was welcomed to stay in their home. We listened to the account of the couple who they let stay in a trailor on their property so they could start anew. We lost count of how many people had been blessed by this family's willingness to serve and love. We tried not to act too alarmed with the report of the homeless man that was currently living on their property. So many stories, so many souls blessed by the choice to give.

This is the feeling of Christmas. This is the Christ spirit.

I looked down at the stack of brownies we brought. Now our chocolatey offering seemed so impractical and meager. What kind of gift is this? I questioned in my mind as I imagined the countless people that this family had helped over the years.

Our hearts continued to fill with the spirit of love. There was a pause and Mr. H began to speak. His eyes were bright and he shared the above quote about the "Christ spirit". He honored this family for their choice to serve and love as we are all taught by our Savior. He praised them for living always the spirit of Christmas and thanked them for sharing their stories with us.

We walked down the rickety wooden stairs, and marvelled at the example and lessons that we learned from our new friends. On our drive down the winding roads, we talked of ways that we could be more like this family--more open to others, more giving of ourselves, and more loving to all.

I submit that the Christmas spirit should not be just for the season of Christmas, but we should live with that spirit all year long.

What are some ways that your family lives the "Christ spirit" all year long?

1 comment:

Linda said...

thankyou for this post..just what i needed today! love the quote...I will make it a part of our Christmas!