
32 days...

...into the NEW YEAR.

Though I'm still having a hard time writing/typing 2009 when I'm writing the date--we're one month in and we've all experienced new things in these first 32 days.

Three of the many new things we've experienced in this new year:

1. A 7 month-old that can pull up to standing, cruise around, and sit back down again.

2. A last-semester-grad-student-husband that is working out 6 days/week, eating fruit smoothies for breakfast & salads for lunch. (I'm so proud of him. He's lost 15 lbs. He even refused to eat some of his grandmother's cheesecake. GO Mr. H!)

3. A me who has 'runners knee' after only 2 weeks of training for that 5K. That leaves me walking with my newest toy: an ipod shuffle. 250 dance-beat songs to keep me going--running, walking, whatever.

What new things have you learned, changed, or enjoyed during this first month o' 2009?


Anonymous said...

ah, runners' knee.. how awful. can i offer a few possible causes? what kind of surface are you running on? pavement is a lot harder on the knees and shins, so switch to grass. and, what kind of shoes are you wearing? nikes are the WORST running shoes and gave me killer shin splints. new balance work best for me.

Congrats to Mr. H!!! He is really good at time manangement, isn't he?!!

JosephJ said...

I remember when I had to change from 1992 to 1993, and I had the hardest time writing the new year. I wonder if that was the time in my life when I had to write the complete date on my homework at school?

How fun to have a shuffle! Though I don't think I have 250 songs that would fit into an exercise category. Ian and I worked out (toe touches, leg lifts, lunges, marching in place type of work-out) to "My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep" last night. You should've seen it! I guess all you need is a rhythm to keep up with...

LMS said...

My 2009 motto to live by is:

No Limits, No apologies!

it's empowering. it's complex. it's inspiring. for me:)

way to go on your 5k! how the heck do you motivate yourself to do that? me no like running.