
Thankful Thursday: Feb 5th

Ahhh...thankful thursday CAME SO FAST this week!

(Just got back home from our 'ice storm refugee' escape down south)

Today, I am thankful for thoughtful friends.

You know...those friends...

-whose voicemails on your phone make you smile

-who bring you a chocolate treat when you are stressed

-whose smiles lighten your heavy heart

-who offer to babysit your child to give you a needed break

-whose emails make you laugh

-who compliment you even when you feel unworthy of compliments

-whose doors are always open for a visit

-who ask you how you are REALLY feeling

-whose hugs make you feel genuinely cared for

-who immediately re-connect, even if it's been years since you've been in touch

I have to admit--I have been abundantly blessed with those kinds of dear friends.

Perhaps I even have more than my fair share. I hope you can also think of at least one or two thoughtful friends today.

What makes a friend that kind of friend for you?


Jolie said...

I would second everything you've said! Another thing I love about amigas verdadeiras is, when it comes to calling the other, hosting a get together, paying for a lunch, etc. they never take the "the ball's in your court" policy.
They just call you whenever they want to talk, even if they've been the one to pick up the phone first the past 3 times.
Their friendship and love is unconditional and is not based on what THEY are getting out of the relationship.

JosephJ said...

And their amazing ability to listen. Those greatest friends to me are the ones that know how to listen. Now it's for me to learn that all-important skill.

LMS said...

That kind of friend is...
the friend who calls me more than I call her, even though she's always in my thoughts. She's the friend who emails me updates just when I'm wondering what she's been up to, and why i never find the time to see what she's been up to, even though I want to. She's the friend who always has perfect timing. That friend is you!