
Thankful Thursday: on Friday Feb. 27th

Thankfully it's FRIDAY, I am sorry I didn't post on was a busy day.

And February is almost over?
How did this happen!?

February has always been one of my favorite months--mostly because it is my birthday month (and also, my youngest brother Spud's), and who doesn't love their birthday month?!

This week I pondered the fun and fanfare of birthdays and determined that the excitement one feels toward their birthday is most likely linked to the traditions and birthday experiences of one's youth.

Today, I am thankful for those birthday traditions of my youth...

Here are some of my most memorable ones:
  • streamers draped over the birthday kid's doorway (so when you wake up you get to walk under/through the streame)
  • birthday cereal (the birthday kid got to pick out any cereal he/she wanted just for their birthday...since the regular cereal standard was plain cheerios or the like)
  • birthday cake (often made from scratch by the Super Mom, my favorite one was the Holly Hobby cake, complete with flower-shaped sprinkles!)
  • birthday signs/balloons (there's nothing like a balloon or sign that makes you feel special on YOUR day)
  • cards in the mail from favorite aunts, cousins, and friends
  • a 'Happy Birthday' pillowcase that was draped over the birthday kid's chair for the day
  • candles on the cake to blow out after everyone sings happy birthday (this was the best, wasn't it?)
  • the children's group at church (Primary) singing the birthday song just for you (and whoever else had a birthday that week...)
  • birthday parties with family and friends
  • the ceremonial opening of gifts

A birthday is still a birthday without all of these special details, but there is something wonderful about watching a child's eyes light up for his/her special day. I appreciate my parents and family who made my day so special for me as a that now, even without all the extras, I still get excited about the day I was born!

**AND, a special thank you to all of you who left thoughtful comments on my blog, facebook, email, etc --which made me feel just like a birthday princess again--celebrated & loved!

1 comment:

Linda said...

I am thankful for a adult daughter that doesn't expect her more tired still slightly sick adult mom to recreate the birthdays of her childhood! Still, we had fun and it was special...lunch together, a movie, a little shopping, and a cake the next day...I really meant to get out the birthday pillowcase!