
Thankful Thursday: March 12th

If you could see what I see right now, you would be smiling.

Baby J is sitting in the middle of the living room, in a long-sleeve white onesie, playing with one of his yellow rubber duckies and making the most heavenly baby gurgly sounds...

...can life get better than this?


On to Thankful Thursday, then!

Today I am thankful for the sneak peek of springtime that we have enjoyed this week. On Tuesday the high here was 78 degrees and the breezes were happily pulling kites into the air. The birds were singing their songs, a medley of awakening & new life.

Trees are starting to come alive with whichever combination of color they choose (pinks, purples, whites, greens) and the grass is getting taller. People were outside all day...running, walking, playing, was fabulous.

Side Note: Today is a different story. But that's how Miss March is: fickle.
She can't make up her mind and she doesn't care that you have already put away your gloves and scarves.

The great thing is, no matter how fickle she is: spring is almost here and I saw a glimpse of it earlier this week. I found myself nodding thankfully at the flowering blossoms and blue skies that I noticed as I was out-and-about that day.

Spring is one of my favorite seasons, I am thankful to live in an area of the world that does enjoy four very distinct and beautiful intervals throughout the year.

Which is your favorite season...and have you enjoyed any spring-like weather so far this month?


Jolie said...

Not to be wishy washy, but I can't decide which season I like the best! I like different things about each one. Yes, even winter. :-D
We have also had teasing glimpses of spring weather here in Ellensburg. I always try to take the kids out to play whenever we get days like that 'cause right now they're few and far between.

JosephJ said...

For me it goes something like this: I really like all of the seasons for about the first 2 months of them. Then I tire, somewhat, of the state of things and am eager for change. Then I spend the next month watching the signs of the oncoming season and am very happy that the new season is arriving.

You know, it's exciting in March when the flowers are poking up through the soil and the buds start forming on the trees (or perhaps they've already blossomed elsewhere). Then in June when schools start to let out and you find kids in your street playing ball, then in September when the air becomes crisp and the apples are ready for picking. Even the smell of the first blanket of snow is refreshing as winter comes.

Sorry to be so non-committal, but that's where I'll have to leave it: I like the lead-up and arrival of each new season.

{BTW: here we are, middle of march. We are getting the first daffs poking up, there are very slight bulbs at the tip of branches, and the ever-present snow/ice pile arrogantly mocks us, seemingly unaware of its impending demise.}