
Thankful Thursday: August 13th

Well we have spun the wheel around and again it is Thursday, and time to be Thankful.

Random as it is--this is my Thankful List for today...

I am thankful FOR:

  • The blessed invention of child gates, as now we are the proud owners of TWO which give us peace of mind and a sense of control in the raging uncertainties in toddlerland
  • A new shelf in the pantry to organize all my stuffs (including all of my newly acquired collection of cake decorating tools) that my personal handyman assembled in less than 30 minutes (we timed it because the box said "only takes 30 minutes!")
  • This post that greeted me this morning by my cousin's wife Molly... who keeps inspiring me with her amazing self
  • Safe travelling for Mr. H's business trip this week (and for his job. ever grateful for the job)
  • a curious almost-14-month-old who points to things so we can have a dialogue about what they are (and who has discovered his belly button!)
  • hot pink toe nails
  • SUNSCREEN for my fair, fair skin (and my offspring's even fair-er skin)
  • This blog that makes me smile with delicious delight every time I check out the latest post
  • two perfectly clunky cars (but do not qualify for the 'cars for clunkers' because their MPG is too freaking awesome: 38 mpg & 42 mpg)
  • the opportunity to enjoy every day with the most darling redhead on the planet (in my humble opinion)

Lots on the list today, what's on your Thankful Thursday list??


Linda said...

you have so much to be thankful for!
I am thankful that Molly could use the words I sent. that made ME thankful! cool!

Jolie said...

Today I am thankful that my husband is not the most uber righteous guy on the planet...or, at least not in Ellensburg 1st ward. ;-)


Remember how you and I always used to joke that we needed to go home from our missions and find those types of guys who were the "chalk keepers" and the "door greeters". The ones that only came to church every once in a blue moon. 'Cause that way they'd always be home after work and never have to be gone for hours on end with gazillions of meetings and such.

Anyway, this past weekend our brother in law (Josh's sister's husband) just got called to be a BISHOP.

And he's 32.

And their youngest is only 3.

I gave Megan (the SIL) my best but whoa. I'm glad that Josh isn't on the Bishop track---not yet anyway. ;-)