
Monday Morning Quote: Grief

"Grieving is a process
It's okay to experience that process. 
To deny the bitterness of the sorrow
 is to deny some of the sweetness 
of the comfort when it comes."
~Cheiko N. Okazaki 


"Grief is not a luxury
It is not a self-indulgence. 
It is not a sign of weakness. 
Grief is a psychological necessity...
It is teaching the heart what the head already knows. 

It cannot be forced or consciously controlled 
or scheduled to a timetable. 
It is a pain that must be
 felt and processed.
 Grief is work."

~Kathleen Rawlings Buntin {From her book: "All Alone"}


"Irrespective of age,
 we mourn for those loved and lost.

Mourning is one of the 
deepest expressions of pure love."
~Russell M. Nelson


1 comment:

Angel said...

Love love!