
Thankful Thursday: March 27th, 2014

My heart is full of thanks
to fill the last three Thursdays
then some.

We have felt the heartache of the loss of Mr. H's maternal grandmother 
(3rd grandparent to pass in 8 months is...a lot)
We have felt the joy of new accomplishments 
(first assisted doula birth for me!)
We have felt the rejoicing in birthdays 
& celebrations
We have felt the love of our Savior.

I am grateful for the cuddle time with Mr. N tonight where he re-told with exactness the original bedtime story I told him.

I am grateful for J waiting patiently for me to come cuddle with him, for his helpful attitude and his very first EVER typed sentence on a computer (totally, completely unprompted) "I love God"

I am grateful for Miss N's cheerful morning smiles and her willingness to jump on board with any and all adventures that we have at home and out & about.

I am grateful for dear, sweet friends who call me, send texts, send emails and check up on me with the Mr. is away --and offer sweet relief of childcare!

I am grateful for fulfilling and sweet catching up with favorites during late-night phone dates.

I am grateful for homemade bread, giggle games, and puddles splashing.

I am grateful for the homeschool co-op we just started with one of J's favorite friends and the fun he is having while learning new things

I am grateful for the preschool co-op that we enjoy every week with N's little buddies.

I am grateful for springtime rains, springtime sunshine, and springtime snows--the warmth is just around the corner, I'm sure of it!

I am grateful for reminders of who we are and the value of quiet, meditative time.

I am grateful for quality music and entertainment--for talents to be shared and to grow.

I am grateful for my parents and their love for me and my family--so complete, fully, and fantastically supportive and proud of me. It means a lot.

I am grateful for my amazing Mr. who showers me with goodness, supports me in my goals, and forgives my faults.

I am grateful for the Plan of Salvation--the knowledge that this life is not all we have to live for and that we are important,

I am grateful for the ritual of regular thanks-giving to help me find perspective and focus.

That's it for my Thursday evening. 
Have you filled your gratitude bowl today?


  1. Congratulations on your first birth assist!

  2. a great thankful post Shara! xoxoxoxoxxoxoxxoxo mom
