
Thankful Thursday: April 3rd, 2014

It's April!
Spring is around the corner!
It's snowing outside! (5-9 inches forecasted tonight for the Twin Cities...originally 6-12)


It's snowing. It's spring. It's April.
And I'm grateful!

I have bright yellow flowers on my mantle and I have sunshine in my soul--Mr. H came home last night after an extended trip (10 days! 240 hours!), and all feels right in the world.

Even with the snow.

I am Thankful For:

-our warm & cozy house
-gloves to keep my kids fingers cozy when they want to play outside in wintry spring conditions
-trash day
-old photos of favorite loved ones
-5th Sundays
-Mr. H's safe travels to Kansas (work), Kentucky (family), & Iowa (work)
-new (to me) boots & clothes
-comforting friendships
-inspired messages
-reminders of the divinity within
-skyping with Daddy
-comfort in loss
-homemade bread
-learning/teaching moments with my littles
-little hands giving me shoulder 'massages'
-late night organizing energy
-yoga pants
-dear friends & delicious dinner
-many calls/texts/emails to check in on me while the Mr. was away
-Amazon boxes on my doorstep
-strangers who look at me knowingly when I'm carrying a flailing, crying kid out of Target (I kind of hate the 3 year old defiance stage)
-the Children's museum 
-big hugs from my Mr.
-the perfect quiet after everyone is settled in for the night

That's it for me!
Feeling thankful?               

1 comment:

  1. Im so glad Mr. H is home safe and sound. Im sure he's exhausted physically and emotionally, as are you!
