
Do you ever feel

Do you ever feel

like you are stuck

between yesterday and tomorrow

between breakfast bowls and lunch cleanups

between dusk and dawn?

Do you ever feel

like you have

too much on your list of To Do's

not enough on your list of spontaneous fun

and too many expectations of what the day should become?

I have felt frustrated with myself lately.

Goals I have had for years + new ones just seem to pile upon each other and stare at me, whispering thoughts of doubt and can't-do-it-iveness. I can avoid the stare-whispers by ignoring all of it and doing something else. Something not on the list. Something not chasing after me. Something not getting me from A to B.

I imagine we all trip into these kinds of ruts sometimes...

Perhaps some of us fall more often than others--our own character flaws push us--

I read an article* today that I thought would be helpful for these

'Do you ever feel'

kind of days.

Here are 7 ideas shared in the article:

1. Pray for guidance (Many options are between one good thing and another)

2. Don't compare yourself to others (Chances are we are comparing our weaknesses to others' strengths)

3. Be gentle with yourself (Acknowledge you are doing the best that you can. Be accepting of your efforts as Christ is)

4. Forgive yourself (If you fall, brush yourself off and start where you left off. All is not lost)

5. Don't worry what others are thinking of you (The important thing is to know how the Lord feels about you)

6. Acknowledge the fruits of your labors (Write things down)

7. Be thankful (Rejoicing in Christ and in our many blessings is the best way to show gratitude)

And here is a quote also from the article:

"We don't have to be fast;
we simply have to be steady
and move in the right direction.
We have to do the best we can,
one step after another...

The only thing you need to worry about
is striving to be the best you can be.
And now do you do that?
You keep your eye on the goals that matter most in life,
and you move towards them
step by step...

That is easy enough.
We don't have to be perfect today.
We don't have to be better than someone else.
All we have to do is to be the very best we can."

-Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

It is kind of amazing how often I need to be reminded of these kinds of thoughts.

I think I will post this quote somewhere so I can read it daily.

Is there a scripture or quote that helps you get through a challenging day/week/event?

*Though the article is entitled: "Confessions of a Perfectionist", I am more of a procrastinator than a perfectionist.

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