
Thankful Thursday: June 11th

Today I am thinking about this week...

...this week last year was my last working week at my Registrar's-Office-of-Fabulousness job

...this week five years ago I was buying a wedding dress

...this week next year I'll likely* be living in another state

I am also thinking about the end of this week...

which marks the completion of the FIRST YEAR

-of my mother-self (including nursing--not the end, but a full year--, which has dwindled down in feedings AND I have switched back to 'regular' bras: a cup size smaller, I might add)

-of our parenthood adventure (which has changed us in ways we can't even begin to articulate)

-of Baby J's earthly life (way to go, J! From a darling little baby bundle to a standing, laughing, peek-a-boo-ing big boy!)

This is HUGE, people!

I know, I know...we already 'celebrated' his 'early birthday' last month...but...

this is the REAL THING.

On Sunday my baby will be 1.
He'll have 1 year under his tiny belt.

And. Crazy. dears, I am today oh-so-Thankful to the One who gives us all, who gives us life, who gives us babies to make us better than we were before. I'm thankful for the gift of motherhood and the ways I see myself changing through challenges. I'm thankful for the little sleeping J who has turned my life upside down (in a great way!) and the Mr. H who helps all along the way.

My heart is full of a years worth of moments.

And now I am crying.

Thankful tears.


Linda said...


Anonymous said...

yeah.. POST breastfeeding breasts are the WORST!

Linda said...

..or are they new and improved!