
Thankful Thursday: May 20, 2010

Going to make it short & sweet today--

I've got a little monkey begging for attention,
a cold that is about to get the best of me
& a headache about the size of a whale.


There are always things to be thankful for--even after a rough night of coughing, tossing, and nose blowing.


-to have my Mr. back from his business trip, safe & sound (and for his willingness to sleep on the couch so I could flop my restless self all over the bed)

-for the letter P and the number 10--and all of the other fun things J enjoyed on Sesame Street this morning (while I lay motionless on the couch)

-for the possibilities...(more on this later, if it amounts to anything)

-to have the mountains of blessings that I enjoy daily--most of which I take for granted (I'm talking to you, hot running water & electricity!)

-for the gentle reminders that this life is a proving, testing ground--and the assurance of Heavenly Arms that pull us through from one challenge/adventure to the next


How 'bout you?

Got a short & sweet list o' Thanks today?


It's Me - Jen E! said...

I am thankful for my wonderful hubby and kids. Some are short (ha!) but all are sweet!

It's Me - Jen E! said...

oh...feel better! A cold is bad....a pregnancy cold is even worse!

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better very soon.. wish i lived closer so i could send you a meal :(

JosephJ said...

I'm thankful for warm lemon and honey tea, which soothes a sore throat and achy head (you should try it!)

Also, I am thankful that my baby is learning how to follow a schedule so my lovey can get a night's rest, and that my little buddy has such great ideas for how to earn a nickel.

I am grateful to have a little patch of earth to watch plants grow. Isn't that pretty amazing? People and animals both, start from little seeds and take on nutrients to build features much more magnificent than the nutrients themselves!

And of course, I am grateful that you can have possibilities...