
Thankful Thursday: Two for One (Sept. 27 & Oct. 4)

Here we are again...
but thinking Thursday
and channeling Thankful

Double Time

I'm Thankful For:

Thursday September 27, 2012
-beautiful friends that let me photograph them
-the feeling of getting something done
-making new friendships
-phone calls with on-the-road Mr. H
-freshly vacuumed carpet
-an easy transition to no pacifiers (little boy N)
-the chance to prepare for two talks, but only give one :)
-mail (not bills or junk)
-rice cakes & hummus
-sweet baby kisses (and a tooth!)

Thursday October 4, 2012
-safe arrival of Nana & Papa from Kentucky
-fun adventures around our Minnesota homestead
-late night chats
-grill meals & outside eatery
-a very uplifting RS broadcast
-getting out that OTHER size of clothes...!
-cozy socks
-roller coasters with my Mr. (sans kids!)
-pumpkin smells & tastes
-footie pajamas & hoodie sweatshirts
-stunning fall colors around town

1 comment:

Miles said...

Oh my goodness, I miss you! Please come back to blogland! No more paci's and a tooth, ah, getting so big!