

We moved this summer, in case you didn't know. It was our first move in several years (but our 6th move overall), and the circumstances were quite a bit different-- so it felt more awkward and challenging in many ways.

One of the awkward elements (but so important for someone who thrives on connections with others) is getting to know people in your new community. Or rather, various communities...there's the neighborhood, any local classes/groups your kids join, your work community, for us--homeschooling community--, etc. The easiest community to find new friends, for me, is our church community.

It has been my experience that there is somewhat of an automatic connection through same beliefs and spiritual goals--which is fantastic--and can be experienced anywhere you move! Most especially within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)'s like having an extended "family" anywhere you roam. The weekly schedule is the same, the lessons are the same, the doctrine is the same, and the warmth and welcoming--it maybe shown in different ways but--it is the same. What a sweet relief that is!

Still, there is awkwardness in getting to know new people and self sharing. A few weeks after we moved in, I remember sitting on a towel on a private beach with some other mothers (from our church) while our children played in the sand a few feet away from us. Everyone was having their own conversations and every once and awhile someone would ask me something about ME--so they could get to know me better.

Now, many people like to be asked questions about themselves. Some don't. Some prefer those kinds of interactions to be more one-on-one. For me, I usually fare ok either way...but that afternoon, I was asked a question that always leaves me stumped and wondering how I can change my life to have a better answer.

"So, what are your hobbies?"

*blank stare*

*blink blink*

*look down to see if baby needs anything so I can skip by this one*

*blink blink*

Ummmm...well? I like to...

My mind is racing now. What do I like to do? I like to have a clean kitchen, I like to take naps, I like to read about how to be a better mother and wife, I like to see my friends photos on instagram...? Those aren't hobbies, what kind of a boring person am I--WHAT ARE MY HOBBIES!!!???--

I start thinking of other people's sister-in-law has amazing quilting skills, my 

I think of typical answers people might give to the question-- "I like to run/bike/race/workout/dance/play such-and-such sports..." My feeling of panic increases as I remember I obviously canNOT say anything in the physical exertion categories...sure, I'll run a 5k with you but mostly I'll walk and then I'll be done for awhile. And dance? I do, but just for family dance which my 4 year old out-rhythms me with ease.

Ok what else, what else--sewing? No. Crafting? Well I enjoy creating things but I mean...what was the last thing I did? Traveling? Well yes--but--I mean, last big trip was...? Writing? Having bangs? 

Should I say I enjoy photography, talking about birthy-breastfeeding things, and baking?

I mean...really.
I do enjoy photography (but haven't done anything with my "nice cameras in months & months), I'm all about the birthy world but is that a hobby that makes sense to anyone not in it?...and...what do I say if I'm asked what my favorite thing to bake is--? Uhhh 5 minute artisan bread?

Point is.
I don't know. I don't have a hot list of trendy or cool hobbies. And mostly I'm ok with that. But when someone asks...all of the sudden I'm not, and then I stumble over it for a few days trying to figure out how to become more impressive than I am, but closer to the impressive that I think I am.

And what does that even mean?

In the end.

Yeah, I like to figure out how to maximize my time between raising 4 kids, organizing my house, being a good wife, and finding ways to do it all with a calm long as I can also get a nap in there every once and awhile.

What are your hobbies?


Every day in November!  NaBloPoMo: National Blog Posting Month. Write a post on your blog every day in November. After a really massive break in my blogging, this will be the 4th year (not in a row, clearly), I've decided to tackle this challenge & enjoy the opportunity to switch to writing mode. I  have actually been looking forward to this for awhile--because I really do enjoy writing and don't make time to do it enough! Want to join me? Leave your blog link in the comments so I can follow you too! Or not. Does anyone follow blogs anymore? 

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