
Thankful Thursday: September 2, 2010

Since we're now sitting right at the start of September, I thought I'd use the month's title as my Thankful syllabus on this rainy Thursday mornin'...

I'm full of thanks, here we go!

S-smiles. I am thankful for all kinds of them. Today I am especially thinking of toddler smiles (even with yogurt all over the place), newborn smiles (adds an extra element of joy to cuddle time), & husband smiles (especially when accompanied with comments like "you are so cute!"). Smiles can make or break a moment, don'tchya think?

E-ele-phant. And all of the other words my son is pronouncing more correctly and/or added to his"what's that?", "scary!", "puzz-les" (as opposed to puh-yuls), "why?", "I want ice in my waters"...I could go on & on. The boy's vocabulary collection has EXPLODED over the last month. It is amazing, awesome, and so fun to witness!

P-parents. I am thankful for mine and my husband's. And yours too. Because, after all--we owe much of who we are to our parents, right? Thankfully, both my parents and my in-laws were able to spend some quality time with us in August as we waited for, welcomed, and recovered from bringing our 2nd child into the world. We are grateful for the energy and time they gave to us, and the many ways they show us their love! (I'm also thankful for PUZZLES that entertain my toddler for hours on end, offering me the opportunity to shower and other such necessary tasks...)

T-time. I am thankful for the various ways that time changes, heals, and molds us. We are consistently offered opportunities to renew, re-focus, and rejuvenate our spirits and re-evaluate our spot in the world. Time heals us. Time offers us perspectives. Time matures us. Time pushes us past yesterday into today and forward to tomorrow. Time ages us...which I am trying to embrace the closer I get to 31 (which in my opinion seems more daunting than 30). I am thankful for the time we are given with our little ones, for the time we are offered to improve ourselves, and for the time allotted in each stage of our lives. Are we taking advantage of it?

E-emails. I received one from one of my favorite people this morning--what a great way to start the day, right? I love keeping in touch with friends and family and email just makes it so dang easy (so do blogs. and facebook. and texting. man! what did we do before? oh yes...we wrote LETTERS.) I do love a good letter in the mail, though...when was the last time you sent one out?

M-meals. I am so grateful to the thoughtful friends from Church who have been stopping by with meals for our family. We have been spoiled every day this week with delicious dinners--and what a difference it has made for us! Trevor has been super busy playing 'catch up' with work and I've been...well...playing my own game of 'catch up'--point is: it would have been frozen pizzas all week for us without these kind ladies!

B-brothers. Aren't brothers the BEST? Even though this article touts the benefits of sisters (which I am not doubting or arguing against!)--I'm so thankful for MY brothers. I am lucky enough to have THREE of them. Even though we're all over the place (bro #1 is in MA, bro #2 is in WA, bro #3 is in TN)--we share a special bond of memories, genes, & love. After all, I am their only sister. Which means THEY have benefited from the statistics the above article mentions, right? Now my little guy has a brother to call his own--and we watch the legacy of brotherhood continue in the next generation...beautiful!

E- Ensign magazine. Honestly, I love getting my Ensign every month! I love the personal stories, the inspirational quotes by Church leaders, and the reminders of how to be better in my personal & family quest to follow Jesus Christ. I really enjoyed the article about teaching our children from the scriptures from last month's issue.

R-rain. I know I've mentioned this before...I just love the rain. This week's random spitter-spatterings of drippity drops have not only nourished the dry earth but nourished my new-mother heart. I have opened the blinds and watched the dainty drops while nourishing my new little one. I have reflected on the similarities between the falling rain and the ways we are blessed from above--nourished by Pure Goodness, often by tiny drops. I am thankful for the rain!

**A few more that didn't fit into the word "September" that are on my thankful mind this morning: Oxyclean, lemon water, naptimes, chocolate, hulu, boppy pillow, baby swing, kisses, and new freckles.**

Ok, fellow September Starters, what's on your Thankful list today?


It's Me - Jen E! said...

My 3 favorite September thanks are:
- Back to school (i'm thankful...but I know 2 kids that aren't!)
- A soon to be 9 year old's birthday
- A 15th wedding anniversary

In between those, I am also thankful for:
- one more end of summer (long holiday weekend) camping get-away
- finding a tasty new Indian restaurant last night. Yum!
- Toddler late night cuddles (taking what I can get because we really need to establish a bed time for him)
- The promise of cooler temps (95 is just not nice anymore)
- My grandparents, who *hopefully* are on the mend from their various ailments of recent.

Linda said...

I read the article on sisters...and it reminded me how you used to organize the boys and stay up and play House Fairy and clean and straighten the house! What a great service that was! Thankyou for being a great big sister to 'The Boys'...and you certainly welcomed and embraced Spencer as your little mate.